Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Reluctant Homemaker--Sewing

Hello, my name is Susan, and I'm a reluctant homemaker.

Last week our expensive sheets got a tear in them. (No exciting story behind that one, unfortunately. ) So I dragged out my sewing machine that I bought a couple years ago and never did open, and spent a couple hours figuring it out. Now I know what a bobbin is. I did a pathetic job sewing it up, went to put it on the bed, and found another long tear! Sewed that one up (slightly better, but still several steps below amateurish) and got it on. But it just puckered and looked pathetic. If I'd have known I'd be doing this blog, I'd have taken a picture of it before I tossed it.

The sewing machine sat in our kitchen for a few days. I figured that now that I got the ball rolling, I could practice a little. I even checked out a book on beginning sewing. A few days later, and still shamefully behind on the things I *should* be doing, and the sewing machine got packed away again. Wonder when it will next see the light of day?

On a positive note, I found some 400 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets at Costco for an unbelievable price, around $50. Not quite as soft as our Italian-crafted ones, but much more budget-friendly!

1 comment:

  1. Thats how I am with sewing, Susan. I actually know all the basics, mom taught me young & I took a class in high school, but the actually doing of it I'm really really bad at. It never comes out good, something always goes wrong!

    Love the new blog
