Thursday, February 10, 2011

I've been trying since, well, forever, to get in shape. But the last couple years have left me particularly frustrated. Granted, I haven't tried any of those crazy dieting schemes, but eating well, watching my calories, and working out hasn't been working. Crazy. I'll post more at some future date just how strict I've been, with limited (ie, 1 lb. a month or less) success.

So I've decided that I must have metabolic syndrome, or thyroid problems, or insulin issues, or something else that makes this so tough. My dad and my sister are both on thyroid meds, and since this thing is hereditary, this seems a high possibility. OTOH, I haven't bothered to get tested, because I don't want to be on thyroid meds every day for the rest of my life. I can't even remember to take a mulitivitamin every day; I sure don't need to be screwing up my endocrine system with my flighty habits.

So . . . in future posts I will be writing about my latest big push to lose weight, what I've tried thus far and the new stuff I'm trying. Right now it's off to read to the kids.

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